
Showing posts from August, 2024

Christianity Deserves Respect

 We may have different religious views, but respect is something we can all agree on. Let's just get straight to it; the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony crossed a line. During the ceremony, there was a live performance which was staged to recreate Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper.  I didn’t watch it (and I wouldn't advise anyone to), but the performance was said to be a disgusting farce which mocked one of the most important moments in the New Testament of the Bible: Jesus' Last Supper with His Apostle. This event centres around the Institution of the Eucharist; Jesus' Ultimate Gift to His followers. The Last Supper is commemorated by billions of Christians every Sunday in the Mass and marked in a special way on Holy Thursday before Easter.    Following backlash on social media, the Olympic Committee later apologized for the performance, but I feel that this incident is emblematic of a larger problem in our society today: a general lack of respect for Christ