Christianity Deserves Respect

 We may have different religious views, but respect is something we can all agree on.

Let's just get straight to it; the 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony crossed a line. During the ceremony, there was a live performance which was staged to recreate Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper. I didn’t watch it (and I wouldn't advise anyone to), but the performance was said to be a disgusting farce which mocked one of the most important moments in the New Testament of the Bible: Jesus' Last Supper with His Apostle. This event centres around the Institution of the Eucharist; Jesus' Ultimate Gift to His followers. The Last Supper is commemorated by billions of Christians every Sunday in the Mass and marked in a special way on Holy Thursday before Easter. 
Following backlash on social media, the Olympic Committee later apologized for the performance, but I feel that this incident is emblematic of a larger problem in our society today: a general lack of respect for Christianity. Almost everywhere you turn in our world nowadays, you can find examples of disrespect towards Christianity. I like jokes and memes as much as the next guy, but religion is one of those things that just shouldn't be made fun of. 

When something sacred is profaned, it's most likely intentional, but there are some instances when it is simply due to ignorance. The use of God's name in vain is often one such occurrence. Sadly, it's become so commonplace; from acronyms like 'istg' to Jesus' name being thrown around like a curse word. Where is the respect? You don't have to be Christian to get this.  I had a religious conversation with a Muslim and even though Muslims and Christians have different beliefs surrounding Jesus Christ, he always said 'Peace Be Upon Him,' when referring to Jesus as we talked. The Jews hold God's name, YHWH(Yahweh) in such high esteem that they don't speak it out loud.

To be honest, us Christians have to take part of the blame for the lack of respect towards our religion. Isn't it true that we can sometimes be afraid to stand up for our Faith, or to correct others when (knowingly or unknowingly) they say something that speaks against Christianity? Let's cast aside our fears and speak out when God is offended. 

Regardless of our religious beliefs; Christianity, and all religions, deserve respect. 

Catholic Archdiocese of Boston,


  1. I couldn’t agree more. Of particular note are those who tried to undermine just how offensive this ceremony was. There was absolutely no reason to try to imitate much less to insult any religion at a global sporting event - and the backlash would have been enormous had it attacked any other religion. Additionally, there were those who said it was just a copy of Dionysus and Greek gods. The Instagram story of the main actress (with the halo) literally had the original last supper painting above her own sacrilegious re-e action so I don’t buy that one in the slightest


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